Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for November 2013

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 David (116) 7 353 8 383 39 118
2 Jane (125) 6 616 8 415 -1 126
3 Alan (144) 6 550 8 413 -14 143
4 Douglas (122) 6 415 8 406 -2 121
5 Harry (127) 6 312 6 402 5 128
6 Cyndy (116) 5 355 8 384 - 116
7 Sandra (122) 4 16 6 380 -30 122
8 Fiona (121) 4 1 8 348 -17 120
9 Marie G (95) 4 -192 8 339 -24 95
10 Ellie (108) 4 -436 8 359 4 109
11 Kath A (116) 3 220 6 368 -15 116
12 Don (---) 2 135 2 403 - ---
13 Hazel (91) 2 -167 8 338 -9 90
14 Joyce B (92) 2 -404 8 332 23 91
15 Martin (88) 2 -464 8 321 -10 88
16 Ruth (93) 1 -86 4 366 15 94
17 Jaqueline (66) 1 -106 6 331 28 65
18 Isobel (69) 1 -127 6 335 33 68
19 Muriel (73) 1 -492 8 331 12 73
20 Billy (---) 0 -407 2 265 -106 ---
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
7 wins
353 spread
6 wins
616 spread
David: 39
Isobel: 33
Jane: SAWFLIES, 140
Hazel: JUICERS, 102