Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for October 2013

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Douglas (120) 9 419 10 408 51 122
2 Jane (123) 8 762 10 416 53 125
3 Alan (146) 7 636 10 427 5 144
4 Fiona (121) 7 356 10 365 5 121
5 Sandra (121) 5 214 8 410 55 122
6 Muriel (71) 5 -283 10 319 -26 73
7 Andy (120) 4 292 6 388 27 120
8 Marke (159) 4 263 4 389 -54 159
9 Harry (130) 4 183 8 397 47 127
10 Kath A (119) 4 126 10 383 14 116
11 Isobel (67) 4 -346 10 302 0 69
12 Hazel (91) 3 -72 10 347 -9 91
13 Ruth (95) 3 -84 8 351 -53 93
14 Ellie (107) 3 -261 6 355 -6 108
15 Martin (89) 3 -282 10 331 -7 88
16 Marie G (97) 3 -575 10 363 19 95
17 David (117) 1 27 4 344 -17 116
18 Billy (---) 1 -23 4 371 52 ---
19 Joyce B (92) 1 -1004 8 309 -24 92
20 Jaqueline (67) 0 -345 4 303 -1 66
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
9 wins
419 spread
8 wins
762 spread
Sandra: 55
Jane: 53
Martin: WRINGERS, 156
Alan: EXERGIES, 114
Joyce B: CROG
Kath A: VELL
Sandra: MIHA
Hazel: GAMA