Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for December 2013

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Fiona (120) 3 224 4 366 18 120
2 Alan (143) 3 126 4 406 -7 144
3 Kath A (116) 3 125 4 350 -18 115
4 Jane (126) 3 105 4 385 -30 126
5 David (118) 3 55 4 370 -13 118
6 Marie G (95) 2 67 2 410 71 97
7 Douglas (121) 2 48 4 418 12 120
8 Cyndy (116) 2 33 2 350 -34 116
9 Isobel (68) 2 13 4 332 -3 70
10 Martin (88) 2 -24 4 355 34 89
11 Ellie (109) 2 -29 4 335 -24 107
12 Andy (120) 1 54 2 391 - 120
13 Joyce B (91) 1 -18 2 320 -12 91
14 Harry (128) 1 -31 2 383 -19 127
15 Hazel (90) 1 -73 4 307 -31 90
16 Ruth (94) 0 -51 2 351 -15 93
17 Sandra (122) 0 -55 2 346 -34 120
18 Muriel (73) 0 -184 4 318 -13 72
19 Jaqueline (65) 0 -201 2 277 -54 65
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
3 wins
224 spread
3 wins
105 spread
Marie G: 71
Martin: 34
Fiona: LEKE