Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for July 2019

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Martin B (106) 8 468 8 388 41 107
2 Alan (138) 5 587 6 431 6 138
3 Paul W (---) 5 498 6 374 34 ---
4 Kath A (100) 5 47 8 363 5 99
5 Jane (116) 4 145 6 386 17 116
6 Sandra (104) 4 49 8 358 -9 104
7 Isobel (88) 3 59 7 360 27 88
8 Carol R (66) 3 -120 6 306 -5 68
9 Jaqueline (73) 3 -401 8 322 -8 74
10 David (116) 2 230 2 445 -19 115
11 Douglas (107) 2 -59 5 392 37 106
12 Hazel (91) 1 -202 4 314 -52 91
13 Pippa (83) 0 -603 8 331 14 81
14 Muriel (74) 0 -698 8 311 -45 73
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
Martin B
8 wins
468 spread
5 wins
587 spread
Martin B: 41
Douglas: 37
Sandra: REQUEST, 112
Kath A: AGMA
Alan: VULN