Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for June 2019

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Muriel (69) 7 214 8 356 82 74
2 Alan (138) 6 604 8 425 25 138
3 Douglas (108) 5 -34 8 355 17 107
4 Isobel (88) 4 161 8 333 8 88
5 Martin B (107) 4 129 6 347 -35 106
6 Hazel (90) 4 87 8 366 35 91
7 Kath A (102) 3 -97 6 358 -9 100
8 Carol R (64) 3 -299 6 311 1 66
9 Jane (119) -93 8 369 -3 116
10 Sandra (106) -270 8 367 -16 104
11 David (113) 2 199 2 464 69 116
12 Pippa (84) 2 -205 8 317 -30 83
13 Harry (124) 1 73 2 374 -50 123
14 Paul W (---) 1 -72 4 340 - ---
15 Jaqueline (73) 1 -397 6 330 26 73
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
7 wins
214 spread
5 wins
-34 spread
Muriel: 82
David: 69
Kath A: SCUP