Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for October 2017

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (133) 7 832 8 423 2 133
2 Harry (123) 7 401 8 412 2 125
3 Jane (126) 6 609 6 418 -19 128
4 Douglas (112) 6 208 8 386 -22 111
5 Kath A (113) 6 120 8 370 16 114
6 Pippa (83) 6 82 9 344 -2 85
7 Fiona (122) 5 347 8 368 5 121
8 Martin (98) 4 333 6 355 30 98
9 Isobel (84) 4 -227 8 293 -63 83
10 Sandra (104) 3 215 6 385 -19 104
11 David (122) 3 180 4 392 24 120
12 Martin B (108) 2 42 6 347 -56 107
13 Muriel (73) 2 -164 8 342 38 72
14 Hazel (92) 2 -468 8 312 -15 90
15 Jaqueline (70) 1 54 2 353 30 69
16 Evonne (---) 1 -344 6 360 -23 ---
17 Carol R (---) 1 -563 8 301 2 ---
18 Eileen C (---) 1 -632 6 281 10 ---
19 Joan L (---) 0 -166 2 228 - ---
20 Caroline (---) 0 -969 7 282 -17 62
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
7 wins
401 spread
6 wins
208 spread
Muriel: 38
Martin: 30
Jaqueline: 30
Martin: TRICKING, 185
Sandra: ZESTERS, 116
Fiona: FLEXING, 108
Muriel: YUTZ
Martin B: YWIS