Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for November 2017

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (133) 7 1016 10 429 6 132
2 Jane (128) 7 751 10 409 -9 129
3 Harry (125) 7 461 10 424 12 124
4 Martin B (107) 7 274 10 375 28 108
5 Sandra (104) 5 394 6 362 -23 105
6 Douglas (111) 5 273 6 421 35 112
7 Martin (98) 5 204 10 349 -6 97
8 Jaqueline (69) 5 49 8 319 -34 71
9 Fiona (121) 4 195 6 383 15 123
10 Hazel (90) 4 57 6 349 37 89
11 Kath A (114) 4 -125 10 356 -14 111
12 Caroline (62) -159 8 309 27 64
13 Isobel (83) 3 -249 8 317 24 82
14 Pippa (85) 3 -435 10 329 -15 85
15 Evonne (---) 2 -89 4 378 18 ---
16 Muriel (72) 2 -693 10 321 -21 72
17 David (120) 1 80 2 418 26 120
18 Carol R (---) 1 -520 7 310 9 ---
19 Eileen C (---) 0 -157 2 284 3 ---
20 Joan L (---) 0 -451 4 217 -11 ---
21 Dorothy (50) 0 -851 4 196 - 50
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
5 wins
394 spread
5 wins
273 spread
Hazel: 37
Douglas: 35
Harry: REFUSALS, 140
Harry: KINDLES, 110