Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for September 2014

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (148) 7 520 8 400 -31 148
2 Marke (161) 6 791 8 420 - 157
3 Jane (127) 6 508 8 400 -14 128
4 Douglas (119) 4 256 4 425 51 121
5 Sandra (118) 4 132 8 370 -6 117
6 Kath A (110) 4 69 8 385 36 110
7 Isobel (74) 4 -35 8 343 39 77
8 Harry (125) 4 -229 8 364 -12 124
9 Joyce B (91) -126 6 324 -28 91
10 Fiona (125) 3 66 6 375 3 125
11 Martin (89) 3 -181 8 324 10 89
12 Andy (119) 59 4 380 - 118
13 Hazel (91) 2 -52 4 343 -43 91
14 Jaqueline (61) 2 -125 6 327 16 62
15 David (121) 1 -106 4 364 -17 120
16 Marie G (100) 1 -161 4 344 -39 98
17 Cyndy (113) 1 -434 6 295 -53 110
18 Muriel (68) 1 -814 8 297 -10 67
19 Billy (---) 0 -109 2 289 - ---
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
6 wins
791 spread
6 wins
508 spread
Douglas: 51
Isobel: 39
Sandra: ZANIEST, 106
Marke: QUINSIED, 100
Douglas: SHWA
Andy: DEBE
Fiona: UPTA