Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for August 2014

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (147) 8 648 8 431 -19 148
2 Fiona (124) 7 438 8 372 36 125
3 Joyce B (90) 5 241 8 352 0 91
4 Marie G (98) 5 186 8 383 20 100
5 Cyndy (114) 5 4 8 348 25 113
6 Jane (127) 4 198 6 414 15 127
7 Hazel (92) 4 110 8 386 -1 91
8 Douglas (122) 4 3 8 374 -48 119
9 David (120) 3 217 6 381 - 121
10 Jaqueline (61) 3 -331 8 311 8 61
11 Harry (126) 2 198 4 376 -43 125
12 Sandra (118) 2 -66 4 376 -78 118
13 Isobel (74) 2 -396 8 304 -12 74
14 Martin (90) 2 -434 6 314 -15 89
15 Ellie (109) 1 27 2 416 29 110
16 Muriel (70) 1 -595 8 307 -14 68
17 Kath A (111) 0 -238 4 349 -42 110
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
7 wins
438 spread
Joyce B
5 wins
241 spread
Fiona: 36
Ellie: 29
Kath A: QUIRKED, 105
Joyce B: GORA
Jaqueline: BINK
Alan: AREW
Fiona: OATY