Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for August 2018

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (133) 8 876 10 414 19 133
2 Martin (100) 6 147 8 346 -36 100
3 Douglas (111) 6 -2 10 396 42 110
4 Fiona (123) 4 236 8 373 7 120
5 Harry (122) 4 200 4 445 75 124
6 Jane (127) 4 175 6 373 7 126
7 Hazel (93) 4 166 10 346 4 92
8 Pippa (84) 4 -129 10 349 29 84
9 Martin B (103) 3 128 4 380 20 104
10 Jaqueline (70) 3 -213 10 327 6 70
11 Isobel (83) 3 -275 8 323 -14 83
12 Muriel (70) 3 -316 8 323 -24 71
13 David (119) 2 62 2 376 -41 120
14 Sandra (106) 2 -132 4 366 -18 106
15 Kath A (108) 1 -10 2 368 -29 108
16 Ellie (---) 1 -80 2 316 - ---
17 Sky (---) 0 -212 2 255 - ---
18 Carol R (64) 0 -604 8 314 10 62
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
8 wins
876 spread
6 wins
147 spread
Harry: 75
Douglas: 42
Harry: EQUATING, 104
Muriel: QUASHED, 101
Fiona: WAAC
Jane: NEWB