Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for September 2018

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Martin B (104) 5 407 8 370 -10 105
2 Fiona (120) 5 405 6 387 14 121
3 Alan (133) 288 6 446 32 133
4 Sandra (106) 4 180 6 403 37 108
5 David (120) 4 129 6 354 -22 118
6 Pippa (84) 4 50 8 336 -13 85
7 Martin (100) 4 -177 8 325 -21 99
8 Kath A (108) 241 4 430 62 110
9 Hazel (92) 3 89 6 344 -2 92
10 Douglas (110) 3 -84 6 391 -5 110
11 Jaqueline (70) 3 -245 8 332 5 73
12 Harry (124) 2 77 4 394 -51 123
13 Muriel (71) 2 -410 8 320 -3 71
14 Ellie (---) 1 66 2 387 71 ---
15 Jane (126) 1 -44 2 381 8 126
16 Carol R (62) 1 -209 4 284 -30 63
17 Isobel (83) 0 -624 6 278 -45 81
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
Martin B
5 wins
407 spread
5 wins
405 spread
Ellie: 71
Kath A: 62
Martin B: PIGSWILL, 149
Sandra: WARB
Fiona: PIZE
Fiona: ULVA
Sandra: UMRA