Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for July 2014

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (147) 7 828 8 450 0 147
2 Kath A (110) 6 409 8 391 37 111
3 Marie G (97) 6 153 10 363 29 98
4 Jane (126) 5 136 8 399 2 127
5 Fiona (124) 5 8 8 336 -49 124
6 Ellie (110) 4 303 6 387 21 109
7 Harry (125) 4 268 4 419 27 126
8 Sandra (117) 3 456 4 454 55 118
9 Martin (89) 3 -228 8 329 5 90
10 Muriel (70) 3 -425 10 321 11 70
11 Isobel (73) 3 -448 10 316 7 74
12 Douglas (123) 2 74 4 422 51 122
13 Hazel (92) 2 22 4 387 49 92
14 Cyndy (117) 2 -214 6 323 -79 114
15 Jaqueline (61) 2 -363 8 303 -6 61
16 Andy (119) 1 -75 2 339 2 119
17 Joyce B (90) 1 -272 6 352 -18 90
18 Billy (---) 1 -363 4 271 - ---
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
7 wins
828 spread
Kath A
6 wins
409 spread
Sandra: 55
Douglas: 51
Isobel: CASEMENT, 149
Douglas: WINNERS, 114
Douglas: TEACHER, 101
Alan: ABRI
Marie G: ESKY