Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for May 2019

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Martin B (103) 7 269 8 382 24 107
2 Pippa (82) -98 10 347 26 84
3 Douglas (106) 5 -344 6 338 14 108
4 David (112) 3 232 3 395 -13 113
5 Jane (121) 3 64 7 372 -36 119
6 Hazel (91) 3 39 5 331 -23 90
7 Kath A (102) 3 -39 6 367 42 102
8 Isobel (89) -91 7 325 -3 88
9 Muriel (70) -592 8 274 -56 69
10 Ellie (---) 2 486 3 475 - ---
11 Harry (122) 2 201 2 424 23 124
12 Jaqueline (73) 2 103 6 304 -15 73
13 Carol R (64) -231 6 310 -5 64
14 Alan (142) 1 126 5 400 -36 138
15 Sandra (109) 1 -125 6 383 -31 106
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
Martin B
7 wins
269 spread
5½ wins
-98 spread
Kath A: 42
Pippa: 26
Alan: QWERTIES, 110
Kath A: WADT
Alan: LEKU
Martin B: PUNG