Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for November 2018

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (135) 8 1109 8 436 -22 137
2 Fiona (123) 7 643 8 398 2 123
3 Harry (124) 7 201 10 392 29 124
4 Martin B (104) 6 322 10 350 7 104
5 Isobel (81) 5 129 6 342 36 82
6 Sandra (107) 5 51 10 373 -11 106
7 Jane (123) 5 -4 10 378 36 122
8 Kath A (109) 4 256 6 386 - 109
9 Martin (100) 4 29 8 348 -4 100
10 Muriel (69) 3 -703 10 320 27 69
11 Hazel (92) 2 209 4 403 44 93
12 Ellie (---) 2 99 2 400 - ---
13 Douglas (110) 2 -71 4 371 -27 111
14 David (118) 2 -145 6 353 -65 115
15 Jaqueline (74) 2 -185 6 339 -15 75
16 Pippa (84) 2 -322 10 314 -6 81
17 Alison P (---) 1 -187 4 306 - ---
18 Carol R (63) 1 -1241 10 286 -28 63
19 Sky (---) 0 -119 2 286 - ---
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
5 wins
129 spread
5 wins
51 spread
Hazel: 44
Isobel: 36
Jane: 36
Harry: SHOWERS, 101
Alan: HWYL
Sandra: MOTU
Martin B: PELA
Fiona: GOOP