Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for December 2018

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 David (115) 4 363 4 428 75 116
2 Jane (122) 3 258 4 397 19 123
3 Alan (137) 3 198 4 396 -40 137
4 Douglas (111) 3 186 4 399 28 110
5 Sandra (106) 2 277 4 411 38 105
6 Martin B (104) 2 -35 4 333 -17 103
7 Muriel (69) 2 -105 4 311 -9 69
8 Hazel (93) 2 -132 4 308 -95 94
9 Pippa (81) 2 -176 4 326 12 82
10 Jaqueline (75) 1 54 2 306 -33 75
11 Kath A (109) 1 51 2 347 -39 109
12 Harry (124) 1 -12 4 379 -13 123
13 Carol R (63) 1 -57 2 300 14 64
14 Martin (100) 1 -299 4 320 -28 100
15 Marie F (---) 0 -123 2 315 - ---
16 Isobel (82) 0 -252 4 301 -41 81
17 Fiona (123) 0 -286 2 349 -49 122
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
4 wins
363 spread
3 wins
258 spread
David: 75
Sandra: 38
Harry: NEGATED, 110
Jane: CRAWLERS, 102
Alan: PFUI
Kath A: CWMS