Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for January 2017

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (134) 7 590 8 438 65 134
2 Martin B (113) 5 116 8 359 19 113
3 Harry (119) 5 -45 8 371 -42 119
4 Pippa (89) -53 8 337 -18 90
5 Kath A (112) 4 66 6 374 28 113
6 Muriel (71) 4 26 8 346 42 73
7 Martin (95) 4 17 8 341 -32 96
8 Jane (130) 4 6 8 367 -47 126
9 Fiona (119) 3 261 6 386 10 118
10 David (120) 3 236 4 383 26 122
11 Sandra (105) 3 96 8 370 49 103
12 Isobel (79) 2 -429 8 302 11 78
13 Jaqueline (66) 108 4 333 29 66
14 Hazel (96) 1 -45 2 330 -8 97
15 Michelle (60) 0 -55 2 319 19 58
16 Douglas (114) 0 -58 2 378 -3 114
17 Dorothy (---) 0 -878 4 194 - ---
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
7 wins
590 spread
Martin B
5 wins
116 spread
Alan: 65
Sandra: 49
Harry: JAUNTIER, 101
Kath A: GLIA
Muriel: OWSE
Alan: POCO
Muriel: VLEI