Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for December 2016

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (133) 5 327 6 373 -17 134
2 Harry (121) 4 505 5 413 4 119
3 Fiona (119) 4 369 6 376 -15 119
4 Jane (129) 4 356 4 414 16 130
5 Douglas (114) 3 173 4 381 -10 114
6 Martin (94) 3 136 6 373 6 95
7 Kath A (113) 3 -89 6 346 -52 112
8 Pippa (89) 2 -34 4 355 -6 89
9 Martin B (113) 2 -75 6 340 4 113
10 David (119) 2 -160 6 357 -13 120
11 Sandra (104) 1 -84 2 321 -79 105
12 Hazel (97) 1 -142 4 338 6 96
13 Isobel (80) 1 -306 6 291 -18 79
14 Muriel (71) 1 -588 6 304 -34 71
15 Jaqueline (65) 0 -92 1 304 -39 66
16 Michelle (60) 0 -424 3 300 -14 60
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
4 wins
505 spread
3 wins
173 spread
Jane: 16
Martin: 6
Hazel: 6
Alan: ZEALS, 106
Kath A: XYST

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