Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for November 2023

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Martin B (---) 8 211 10 374 -9 ---
2 Alan (---) 7 958 10 434 -12 ---
3 Isobel (---) 5 236 8 336 11 ---
4 Pippa (---) 4 116 6 330 -48 ---
5 Paul W (---) 4 -457 10 334 -7 ---
6 Sandra (---) 3 26 6 399 42 ---
7 Kath A (---) 3 -224 6 362 9 ---
8 Jane (---) 2 -84 6 375 -4 ---
9 Val (---) 1 56 2 355 - ---
10 David (---) 1 9 1 273 - ---
11 Douglas (---) 1 2 1 337 - ---
12 Muriel (---) 1 -142 4 308 -9 ---
13 Harry (---) 1 -255 8 365 -2 ---
14 Jaqueline (---) 1 -452 6 321 21 ---
Leader 2nd Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
Martin B
8 wins
211 spread
7 wins
958 spread
Sandra: 42
Jaqueline: 21
Jane: HOORAYS, 105
Alan: DIEB
Kath A: GAUN
Isobel: PORY
Jane: DOYS
Kath A: SKEO