Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for July 2018

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Harry (122) 6 29 8 370 -52 122
2 Sandra (105) 5 332 8 384 0 106
3 Martin (100) 5 255 8 382 39 100
4 Fiona (123) 5 210 8 366 -35 123
5 Alan (134) 4 304 6 395 -23 133
6 Jane (127) 4 211 6 366 -23 127
7 Martin B (104) 4 61 8 360 -26 103
8 Kath A (108) 3 162 4 397 35 108
9 Hazel (93) 3 -82 6 342 -31 93
10 Muriel (70) 3 -151 8 347 21 70
11 David (118) 2 247 2 417 52 119
12 Isobel (84) 2 -192 8 337 -15 83
13 Pippa (85) 2 -292 8 320 -16 84
14 Douglas (112) 2 -310 6 354 -30 111
15 Jaqueline (69) 2 -373 8 321 30 70
16 Evonne (---) 1 -46 2 344 - ---
17 Carol R (63) 1 -341 4 304 27 64
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
6 wins
29 spread
5 wins
332 spread
David: 52
Martin: 39
Kath A: PIQUANT, 104