Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for July 2017

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Martin B (108) 6 384 8 348 -26 108
2 Alan (133) 5 616 6 432 6 134
3 David (122) 5 496 6 380 55 122
4 Kath A (116) 5 250 8 379 -11 115
5 Fiona (119) 4 373 4 372 4 120
6 Martin (97) 4 287 4 402 59 99
7 Isobel (81) 4 136 8 316 -20 81
8 Jane (125) 4 81 6 361 -37 125
9 Harry (120) 4 -223 6 345 -49 121
10 Sandra (103) 3 153 6 393 2 101
11 Pippa (87) 3 80 8 328 18 85
12 Douglas (113) 2 153 4 400 48 113
13 Jaqueline (70) 2 -318 6 310 -9 70
14 Ellie (118) 1 38 2 420 - 119
15 Rosie (---) 1 -47 4 297 - ---
16 Hazel (94) 1 -170 4 335 -3 94
17 Muriel (72) 1 -572 8 309 -13 71
18 Caroline (---) 0 -688 6 283 -48 ---
19 Dorothy (50) 0 -970 6 200 -16 50
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
Martin B
6 wins
384 spread
5 wins
616 spread
Martin: 59
David: 55
Douglas: RESINERS, 131
Alan: TRAVELLED, 104
Harry: SWOTTED, 103
Fiona: ZUPA
Muriel: ZYGA