Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for July 2013

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Cyndy (114) 7 379 8 377 39 116
2 Sandra (119) 6 444 8 412 31 119
3 Fiona (116) 6 359 8 381 7 118
4 Harry (130) 6 295 8 379 -17 130
5 Douglas (123) 6 43 8 386 -13 124
6 Alan (146) 5 646 8 433 -44 145
7 Andy (123) 5 360 8 389 12 122
8 Hazel (85) 5 -79 8 352 67 88
9 Martin (88) 3 -27 6 306 -21 89
10 Jane (122) 3 -196 6 354 -44 122
11 Joyce B (92) 3 -298 8 339 17 92
12 David (117) 2 89 2 415 5 119
13 Marie G (101) 2 -265 8 355 25 99
14 Kath A (122) 1 -202 8 380 2 119
15 Isobel (67) 1 -305 6 276 -33 67
16 Muriel (71) 1 -548 8 306 -19 70
17 Ellie (119) 0 -111 2 338 - 118
18 Jaqueline (66) 0 -584 6 270 -2 65
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
7 wins
379 spread
6 wins
444 spread
Hazel: 67
Cyndy: 39
Harry: ANNULATE, 122
Muriel: DEFROST, 102
Alan: SEAMING, 100
Harry: HUSC
Andy: TOEY
Kath A: FICO
Harry: MONA