Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for July 2009

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (145) 2 314 2 507 82 145
2 Noreen (112) 2 262 2 409 39 113
3 Tom (103) 2 139 2 394 -40 104
4 Gordon (126) 2 31 2 363 15 128
5 Ruth (101) 1 114 2 369 38 101
6 Cyndy (114) 1 47 2 346 -20 114
7 Jane (124) 1 20 2 398 27 123
8 Joyce B (101) 1 14 2 362 10 102
9 Sandra (121) 1 7 2 361 -25 120
10 Harry (134) 1 3 2 370 -52 134
11 Sylvia Mc (107) 1 -12 2 385 68 108
12 Joan (98) 1 -16 2 366 10 98
13 Harry B (125) 1 -97 2 395 38 123
14 Muriel (79) 1 -137 2 318 7 79
15 Kath A (113) 0 -28 2 330 -46 112
16 Marie G (102) 0 -104 2 370 -5 101
17 Marjorie (101) 0 -130 2 337 7 99
18 Billy (71) 0 -427 2 227 -77 70
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
2 wins
314 spread
2 wins
262 spread
Alan: 82
Sylvia Mc: 68