Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for June 2017

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Jane (127) 7 531 10 398 -32 125
2 Harry (119) 6 280 7 394 15 120
3 Sandra (102) 5 356 8 391 31 103
4 Kath A (114) 5 293 6 390 43 116
5 Fiona (120) 5 224 8 368 -18 119
6 Isobel (80) 5 188 10 336 -27 81
7 Martin B (107) 4 396 5 374 34 108
8 Jaqueline (69) 4 -23 8 319 32 70
9 Muriel (73) 4 -23 10 322 -21 72
10 Martin (96) 4 -149 10 343 -8 97
11 Douglas (114) 4 -215 8 352 -78 113
12 Alan (134) 3 459 4 426 -39 133
13 Hazel (96) 3 -67 8 338 -33 94
14 Caroline (---) 3 -102 6 331 -43 ---
15 Pippa (88) 2 -433 10 310 6 87
16 David (123) 1 -36 2 325 -65 122
17 Rita (---) 1 -246 2 326 - ---
18 Amanda (---) 0 -260 2 239 -5 ---
19 Dorothy (50) 0 -869 6 216 32 50
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
7 wins
531 spread
Kath A
5 wins
293 spread
Kath A: 43
Martin B: 34
Douglas: ZEDA
Douglas: YUNX