Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for May 2013

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Jane (121) 8 586 10 390 -25 123
2 Cyndy (118) 7 302 10 367 29 118
3 Douglas (122) 7 46 10 380 31 122
4 Alan (144) 6 607 8 432 3 144
5 Hazel (86) 6 -138 10 329 14 90
6 Marie G (103) 21 10 362 11 102
7 Andy (121) 5 181 10 373 -33 122
8 Fiona (119) 194 8 375 -4 117
9 Sandra (117) 4 379 6 388 0 117
10 Harry (130) 4 205 6 416 35 133
11 Kath A (122) 4 -145 10 348 -8 120
12 Martin (86) 4 -287 6 315 -41 87
13 Joyce B (94) -263 10 341 -17 92
14 David (116) 3 295 6 385 22 114
15 Marke (158) 3 290 4 380 -54 159
16 Muriel (69) 3 -512 10 346 12 69
17 Paul W (109) 2 161 4 396 50 109
18 Ellie (119) 1 1 2 371 -53 118
19 Jaqueline (67) 1 -403 6 282 -21 67
20 Isobel (66) 1 -414 8 312 28 66
21 Olwen (54) -848 10 273 -6 53
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
8 wins
586 spread
7 wins
46 spread
Paul W: 50
Harry: 35
Hazel: BREWERS, 109
Alan: JOTTERS, 104
Alan: OVERAWE, 102