Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for April 2019

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (141) 7 638 8 436 8 142
2 Sandra (107) 5 308 8 414 27 109
3 Isobel (87) 4 -252 8 328 13 89
4 David (112) 3 66 4 408 - 112
5 Martin B (105) 3 -76 8 358 -13 103
6 Pippa (82) 3 -156 8 321 4 82
7 Harry (123) 2 46 2 401 1 122
8 Kath A (102) 2 -61 6 325 -53 102
9 Muriel (70) 2 -211 6 330 18 70
10 Jane (122) 1 67 2 408 21 121
11 Hazel (92) 1 -31 2 354 8 91
12 Douglas (107) 1 -66 2 324 -29 106
13 Carol R (64) 1 -132 4 315 -3 64
14 Jaqueline (74) 1 -140 4 319 2 73
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
4 wins
-252 spread
3 wins
66 spread
Sandra: 27
Jane: 21
Isobel: SNEEZIER, 130
Sandra: RULINGS, 110
Alan: VIZIERS, 106
Carol R: SORN
Martin B: JYNX