Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for April 2017

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Fiona (118) 7 453 8 368 -21 118
2 Martin B (108) 6 198 8 338 -17 108
3 Alan (134) 4 581 8 423 -12 133
4 David (124) 4 496 4 411 13 126
5 Jane (126) 4 360 4 413 120 127
6 Muriel (70) 4 4 8 326 14 71
7 Pippa (89) 4 -61 8 320 -31 91
8 Harry (119) 4 -65 6 398 -25 121
9 Paul W (---) 3 364 4 389 76 ---
10 Martin (98) 3 116 8 352 12 97
11 Sandra (102) 2 82 6 378 -6 101
12 Douglas (113) 2 71 2 429 72 114
13 Kath A (115) 2 -259 6 329 -63 114
14 Isobel (78) 2 -540 8 315 -5 78
15 Ellie (115) 1 -32 2 351 -20 118
16 Hazel (96) 1 -119 2 381 54 95
17 Jaqueline (68) 1 -261 4 283 -28 68
18 Marie F (---) 0 -99 2 332 - ---
19 Dorothy (50) 0 -507 4 199 -10 50
20 Amanda (---) 0 -515 4 204 6 ---
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
Martin B
6 wins
198 spread
4 wins
496 spread
Jane: 120
Paul W: 76
Martin: SCHEDULE, 106
Paul W: ZESTIER, 105
Martin B: GOWF
Martin B: HOWF
Muriel: MOKO