Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for March 2017

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Harry (118) 8 744 10 423 22 119
2 Alan (135) 7 773 10 435 10 134
3 Fiona (118) 7 532 10 389 36 118
4 Jaqueline (65) 7 -36 10 311 -15 68
5 Kath A (113) 6 525 8 392 29 115
6 Pippa (89) 6 314 10 351 37 89
7 Martin (97) 6 -208 10 340 -5 98
8 Martin B (109) 5 -240 10 355 5 108
9 Sandra (104) 4 469 10 384 25 102
10 Ellie (115) 4 273 6 371 - 115
11 Isobel (77) 4 -37 8 320 16 78
12 Paul W (---) 4 -431 8 313 - ---
13 Jane (128) 2 -395 6 293 -120 126
14 David (125) 1 175 2 398 -18 124
15 Muriel (72) 1 -511 10 312 -15 70
16 Hazel (97) 0 -114 2 327 - 96
17 Donald (---) 0 -138 2 325 - ---
18 Douglas (114) 0 -178 2 357 - 113
19 Amanda (---) 0 -680 4 198 -22 ---
20 Dorothy (---) 0 -837 6 209 -15 50
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
7 wins
532 spread
7 wins
-36 spread
Pippa: 37
Fiona: 36
Douglas: ZESTIER, 109
Martin B: FEHM
Ellie: WASM
Fiona: FENI