Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for March 2014

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (144) 8 856 8 450 26 145
2 Fiona (123) 6 496 8 380 -12 124
3 Jane (126) 192 8 394 1 125
4 Kath A (113) 5 410 9 401 29 113
5 Harry (128) 5 274 6 403 -16 129
6 Douglas (121) 7 8 394 -1 121
7 Martin (89) 4 283 6 391 36 90
8 Ellie (108) 4 152 8 363 -14 107
9 David (118) 3 240 4 395 - 120
10 Sandra (121) 3 -31 6 370 18 119
11 Cyndy (118) 3 -36 6 356 -31 118
12 Andy (121) 2 60 4 382 -45 121
13 Ruth (93) 2 -179 4 330 - 93
14 Hazel (90) 2 -189 8 335 -23 88
15 Isobel (69) 2 -473 8 311 25 70
16 Muriel (72) 2 -945 9 328 1 71
17 Billy (---) 1 8 2 331 - ---
18 Joyce B (90) 1 -270 6 323 -12 88
19 Marie G (96) 1 -427 6 330 -33 96
20 Jaqueline (62) 1 -428 6 310 23 62
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
5½ wins
192 spread
Kath A
5 wins
410 spread
Martin: 36
Kath A: 29
Alan: WEFTING, 113
Alan: ROACHED, 107
Martin: BURROWED, 106
Sandra: ETHE
Fiona: LISK