Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for February 2017

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (134) 7 771 8 425 -13 135
2 Harry (119) 5 317 6 401 30 118
3 Jane (126) 4 295 4 413 46 128
4 Fiona (118) 4 208 6 353 -33 118
5 Kath A (113) 4 200 8 363 -11 113
6 Martin (96) 4 75 6 345 4 97
7 Sandra (103) 4 -101 6 359 -11 104
8 Muriel (73) 4 -394 8 327 -19 72
9 David (122) 3 326 4 416 33 125
10 Martin B (113) 3 107 8 350 -9 109
11 Isobel (78) 2 -5 6 304 2 77
12 Jaqueline (66) 1 -131 4 326 -7 65
13 Pippa (90) 1 -426 8 314 -23 89
14 Amanda (---) 1 -793 7 220 - ---
15 Dorothy (---) 0 -339 2 224 30 ---
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
5 wins
317 spread
4 wins
295 spread
Jane: 46
David: 33
Kath A: TWEEZER, 108
Alan: RECHARGE, 104
Sandra: SEQUINS, 103
Harry: COVERING, 100
Kath A: GAJO
Fiona: PIUM
Martin B: BIGA