Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for December 2019

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Jane (111) 4 384 4 410 28 113
2 Alan (135) 3 235 4 409 -25 135
3 David (115) 3 92 4 369 -57 116
4 Ellie (---) 2 231 2 437 - ---
5 Douglas (110) 2 23 2 387 -48 110
6 Pippa (86) 2 23 4 343 2 86
7 Sandra (104) 1 60 2 393 -7 104
8 Fiona (120) 1 58 2 355 - 120
9 Martin (100) 1 34 2 308 - 100
10 Kath A (101) 1 10 2 352 -30 100
11 Isobel (90) 1 -57 2 359 44 91
12 Martin B (110) 1 -210 4 350 -52 109
13 Hazel (90) 0 -192 2 325 -13 89
14 Carol R (65) 0 -257 4 325 40 64
15 Muriel (72) 0 -434 4 300 -23 72
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
4 wins
384 spread
2 wins
231 spread
Isobel: 44
Carol R: 40
Alan: BEARINGS, 140
Carol R: VIZY