Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for December 2015

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 David (117) 5 394 5 397 13 119
2 Cyndy (110) 4 314 5 376 5 110
3 Douglas (116) 4 66 5 402 8 117
4 Jane (129) 3 246 5 397 33 128
5 Paul W (---) 2 161 2 377 - ---
6 Fiona (122) 2 48 5 373 18 122
7 Harry (122) 2 31 2 382 -24 123
8 Kath A (110) 2 -48 5 370 -9 109
9 Hazel (98) 2 -54 5 342 -14 98
10 Muriel (71) 2 -193 5 341 53 72
11 Joyce B (93) -113 3 342 19 93
12 Marie G (96) 1 110 1 422 66 96
13 Michelle (---) 1 33 2 347 8 ---
14 Pippa (---) 1 -19 2 299 -21 ---
15 Jaqueline (64) 1 -33 3 320 -5 64
16 Marie F (---) -82 2 302 - ---
17 Isobel (78) 0 -99 3 319 -15 77
18 Martin (94) 0 -187 3 304 -37 92
19 Pam (---) 0 -428 3 259 -9 ---
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
5 wins
394 spread
3 wins
246 spread
Marie G: 66
Muriel: 53
Cyndy: FEASTING, 149
David: RESIZES, 128
Jane: THIR