Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for January 2016

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Kath A (109) 6 405 8 374 4 111
2 Jane (128) 5 534 6 411 14 129
3 Douglas (117) 5 146 8 377 -25 117
4 Fiona (122) 5 129 8 367 -6 121
5 Alan (141) 4 257 6 413 - 141
6 David (119) 4 -148 8 357 -40 119
7 Michelle (---) 3 -95 4 311 -36 ---
8 Isobel (77) 3 -289 8 315 -4 79
9 Victoria (---) 2 436 2 495 - ---
10 Martin (92) 2 19 8 347 43 91
11 Pippa (---) 2 -28 4 321 22 ---
12 Hazel (98) 2 -434 8 318 -24 97
13 Muriel (72) 2 -510 8 315 -26 73
14 Ellie (107) 1 -114 2 361 - 106
15 Marie G (96) 0 -106 2 313 -109 95
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
Kath A
6 wins
405 spread
5 wins
534 spread
Martin: 43
Pippa: 22
Douglas: RESIZES, 109
Marie G: WELS
Kath A: VRIL
Fiona: STUM