Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for November 2019

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (135) 6 589 8 434 21 135
2 Martin B (110) 5 553 6 402 39 110
3 David (115) 4 491 6 426 44 115
4 Sandra (103) 4 341 8 400 31 104
5 Pippa (85) 4 -75 8 341 2 86
6 Jane (113) 4 -77 8 382 7 111
7 Kath A (100) 4 -270 8 382 17 101
8 Harry (120) 3 67 6 372 11 119
9 Isobel (89) 3 -201 6 315 -19 90
10 Douglas (110) 2 114 2 435 36 110
11 Muriel (72) 2 -490 8 323 20 72
12 W (---) 1 -155 2 299 - ---
13 Jaqueline (73) 1 -244 4 271 -29 73
14 Carol R (65) 1 -535 6 285 -17 65
15 Hazel (90) 0 -108 2 338 -10 90
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
4 wins
491 spread
4 wins
-75 spread
David: 44
Martin B: 39
Martin B: GREEDILY, 176
Martin B: KUTI
David: ZURF
Sandra: NEVI