Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for November 2014

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Fiona (124) 6 461 6 416 45 125
2 Cyndy (109) 6 105 8 379 35 111
3 Alan (148) 562 8 412 0 147
4 Douglas (121) 5 173 8 368 -8 120
5 Harry (123) 4 292 8 399 -9 123
6 David (122) 4 59 8 353 21 119
7 Ruth (82) 3 94 6 368 15 85
8 Sandra (118) 3 -90 8 365 -3 117
9 Martin (90) 3 -116 6 341 -10 90
10 Joyce B (91) 3 -221 8 308 -13 90
11 Isobel (76) 3 -333 8 294 -27 76
12 Hazel (92) 3 -413 8 308 -55 94
13 Jane (129) 2 548 2 428 43 129
14 Yvonne (---) 2 143 2 402 - ---
15 Andy (118) 2 -55 4 398 23 118
16 Kath A (110) 2 -157 6 371 -24 109
17 Jaqueline (62) 2 -402 6 290 -15 63
18 Gordon C (---) 1 47 2 348 - ---
19 Marie G (98) -394 6 336 -3 97
20 Barbara (---) 0 -228 2 313 - ---
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
6 wins
105 spread
5 wins
173 spread
Fiona: 45
Jane: 43
Hazel: INQUIRER, 104
Gordon C: UNZONED, 100
Douglas: CHAM
Isobel: MAUN
Douglas: REEN