Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for October 2014

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (148) 8 461 10 412 12 148
2 Marke (157) 7 937 8 447 27 157
3 Harry (124) 7 212 10 408 44 123
4 Fiona (125) 6 361 9 371 -4 124
5 Sandra (117) 6 83 10 368 -2 118
6 Kath A (110) 6 46 10 395 10 110
7 Marie G (98) 5 -325 10 339 -5 98
8 Cyndy (110) 7 10 344 49 109
9 Jane (128) 4 335 8 385 -15 129
10 Martin (89) 4 97 10 351 27 90
11 Hazel (91) 4 5 8 363 20 92
12 Douglas (121) 4 -11 8 376 -49 121
13 Andy (118) 3 -40 8 375 -5 118
14 David (120) 3 -69 4 332 -32 122
15 Joyce B (91) 3 -512 10 321 -3 91
16 Muriel (67) 2 -726 8 326 29 68
17 Isobel (77) -397 10 321 -22 76
18 Ruth (83) 1 79 2 353 - 82
19 Jaqueline (62) 1 -261 4 305 -22 62
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
7 wins
212 spread
6 wins
83 spread
Cyndy: 49
Harry: 44
Sandra: SEXIEST, 102
Alan: LERP
Douglas: DARI
Sandra: CLEM