Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for December 2021

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (---) 4 422 4 440 -6 ---
2 Martin B (---) 3 281 4 373 0 ---
3 Jane (---) 3 203 4 376 -32 ---
4 Harry (---) 3 -2 4 361 -2 ---
5 Sandra (---) 2 234 2 459 74 ---
6 Jaqueline (---) 2 19 4 320 20 ---
7 Pippa (---) 2 -184 4 326 -13 ---
8 Muriel (---) 1 -422 4 330 -6 ---
9 Kath A (---) 0 -39 2 335 -46 ---
10 Gordon C (---) 0 -155 4 314 -7 ---
11 Carol R (---) 0 -357 4 293 11 ---
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
Martin B
3 wins
281 spread
3 wins
203 spread
Sandra: 74
Jaqueline: 20
Sandra: IRISATED, 140