Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for February 2019

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (139) 8 1237 8 460 8 140
2 Harry (123) 5 191 6 383 -31 123
3 Douglas (108) 5 190 6 413 43 110
4 Sandra (106) 5 -65 8 370 12 105
5 Jane (122) 3 254 6 394 12 120
6 Martin B (103) 3 -65 4 353 -2 105
7 Pippa (83) 3 -160 8 329 3 83
8 Isobel (84) 3 -224 8 333 -26 85
9 David (114) 2 72 4 386 -14 112
10 Kath A (107) 2 32 6 352 -6 106
11 Jaqueline (74) 2 -118 6 295 -53 74
12 Muriel (70) 2 -262 8 334 11 69
13 Carol R (63) 2 -440 6 311 44 64
14 Ellie (---) 1 143 2 439 20 ---
15 Hazel (94) 1 -285 6 361 -24 92
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
5 wins
191 spread
5 wins
190 spread
Carol R: 44
Douglas: 43