Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for March 2018

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Pippa (84) 8 350 10 333 3 87
2 Fiona (123) 7 399 10 376 -6 122
3 Harry (120) 7 278 8 398 16 122
4 Alan (133) 6 729 8 435 -10 134
5 Martin (98) 6 -119 10 330 -28 98
6 Hazel (91) -67 8 347 -18 90
7 Douglas (114) 5 -247 8 372 16 116
8 Kath A (110) 117 8 365 -5 110
9 Jane (132) 4 336 6 393 34 132
10 Sandra (103) 4 159 6 378 4 103
11 Caroline (63) 4 89 8 349 60 66
12 Isobel (82) 3 -57 8 313 4 82
13 Martin B (110) 2 -106 8 333 -46 106
14 Carol R (66) 2 -330 8 292 -34 65
15 David (114) 1 48 2 399 14 112
16 Muriel (71) 1 -625 8 287 -37 70
17 Evonne (---) 0 -85 2 314 - ---
18 Jaqueline (70) 0 -396 8 302 -4 67
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
8 wins
350 spread
7 wins
399 spread
Caroline: 60
Jane: 34
Alan: SHARPEST, 185
Sandra: RECOATS, 101
Isobel: YUKO
Fiona: TOYO
Fiona: LOGY