Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for December 2017

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Douglas (112) 4 261 4 392 -29 112
2 Fiona (123) 3 233 4 387 4 122
3 David (120) 3 198 4 386 -32 118
4 Jane (129) 2 213 2 451 42 131
5 Hazel (89) 2 125 4 355 6 88
6 Kath A (111) 2 53 2 383 27 113
7 Martin (97) 2 -94 4 327 -22 98
8 Muriel (72) 2 -204 4 312 -9 71
9 Jaqueline (71) 1 25 2 297 -22 71
10 Evonne (---) 1 22 2 359 -19 ---
11 Alan (132) 1 -50 2 407 -22 131
12 Martin B (108) 1 -59 4 360 -15 108
13 Isobel (82) 1 -87 4 331 14 82
14 Pippa (85) 1 -142 4 303 -26 84
15 Caroline (64) 1 -177 4 292 -17 64
16 Carol R (---) 1 -240 4 295 -15 ---
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
4 wins
261 spread
3 wins
233 spread
Jane: 42
Kath A: 27
Muriel: YULE
Caroline: TYPP