Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for September 2015

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (140) 7 535 8 435 39 140
2 Fiona (123) 6 91 8 371 32 122
3 Harry (125) 5 286 8 389 34 123
4 Kath A (107) 5 60 8 367 -1 108
5 Cyndy (111) 5 32 8 364 -75 112
6 Jane (131) 4 145 7 375 8 130
7 Martin (92) 4 13 6 349 4 94
8 Brenda (---) 3 335 4 445 107 ---
9 Hazel (96) 3 109 6 374 -3 94
10 David (119) 3 61 4 364 21 119
11 Marie G (98) 3 -37 8 356 25 99
12 Sandra (111) 3 -55 8 373 -26 110
13 Isobel (78) 3 -127 8 322 8 78
14 Joyce B (91) 2 17 4 353 -20 92
15 Douglas (117) 2 -176 6 375 -15 117
16 Victoria (---) 1 75 2 426 - ---
17 Jaqueline (61) 1 -191 5 291 -5 61
18 Muriel (72) 1 -756 8 310 9 71
19 Ellie (107) 0 -93 2 391 -3 108
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
6 wins
91 spread
5 wins
286 spread
Brenda: 107
Alan: 39
Sandra: HOTPLATE, 185
Alan: UNQUOTED, 114
Alan: OHIA
Fiona: NOMA
Fiona: NIPA
Alan: LEVO