Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for August 2015

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (140) 7 501 8 396 -22 140
2 Hazel (95) 7 389 8 377 57 96
3 Cyndy (110) 5 806 6 439 56 111
4 Martin (90) 5 249 6 345 49 92
5 Joyce B (90) 4 321 6 373 41 91
6 Ellie (106) 4 315 6 394 45 107
7 Douglas (116) 4 -9 8 390 8 117
8 Jane (131) 3 -114 4 367 -6 131
9 Kath A (107) 2 22 4 368 -28 107
10 Fiona (126) 2 -275 6 339 -40 123
11 Isobel (77) 2 -341 8 314 2 78
12 Sandra (112) 1 68 2 399 8 111
13 David (118) 1 -2 2 343 -67 119
14 Harry (126) 1 -105 2 355 -35 125
15 Marie G (100) 1 -356 6 331 -7 98
16 Brenda (---) 0 -148 4 338 -62 ---
17 Jaqueline (63) 0 -191 4 296 -6 61
18 Muriel (73) 0 -865 8 301 -9 72
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
7 wins
501 spread
7 wins
389 spread
Hazel: 57
Cyndy: 56
Cyndy: PREVISED, 101
Kath A: HORA
Fiona: MUTI
Isobel: NORI