Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for May 2016

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Alan (138) 6 717 7 424 -16 138
2 Victoria (---) 5 541 6 440 - ---
3 Kath A (109) 5 94 7 388 17 111
4 Martin B (---) 4 290 5 421 68 ---
5 Harry (121) 3 198 4 422 36 121
6 Sandra (105) 3 115 4 353 -29 105
7 Jane (128) 2 228 3 424 59 128
8 Joyce B (94) 2 20 3 336 -19 95
9 Fiona (121) 2 3 4 378 -15 121
10 Isobel (82) 2 -62 6 321 -40 81
11 Michelle (---) 2 -209 5 318 36 ---
12 Muriel (70) 2 -370 7 325 8 71
13 Douglas (112) 1 -43 2 394 -14 111
14 Cyndy (110) 1 -45 3 370 5 110
15 Marie G (96) 1 -133 3 314 -51 95
16 Jaqueline (69) 1 -283 5 299 -17 69
17 Pippa (---) 1 -388 5 286 -20 ---
18 Martin (92) 0 -120 2 335 -6 92
19 Hazel (100) 0 -227 2 328 -15 100
20 Dorothy (---) 0 -451 4 256 34 ---
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
5 wins
541 spread
Martin B
4 wins
290 spread
Martin B: 68
Jane: 59
Harry: ROUTINES, 122
Sandra: JETTING, 104
Alan: UMPH
Fiona: RHUS
Fiona: UPTA