Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for February 2015

Position Player (Rating) Wins Total spread Games played Avg. score Change in avg. New rating
1 Fiona (124) 6 577 8 408 71 125
2 Harry (123) 6 132 8 411 -23 126
3 Cyndy (109) 5 247 8 374 34 108
4 Muriel (69) 5 -46 8 354 61 72
5 Alan (146) 4 460 6 452 23 145
6 Jane (130) 4 96 6 397 -3 130
7 Joyce B (91) 4 75 6 344 27 93
8 Martin (91) 4 -51 8 355 25 92
9 David (116) 3 23 6 384 35 114
10 Brenda (---) 3 22 4 393 - ---
11 Hazel (93) 3 -45 7 340 -20 94
12 Douglas (121) 3 -97 7 364 -37 120
13 Sandra (116) -42 8 383 -55 113
14 Victoria (---) 2 236 2 453 - ---
15 Ruth (86) 2 -50 4 382 10 89
16 Marie G (97) 2 -264 6 336 -25 97
17 Andy (118) 1 116 2 390 - 117
18 Isobel (78) 1 -591 8 306 -25 78
19 Kath A (109) -528 6 335 -20 106
20 Jaqueline (63) 0 -198 2 298 -16 62
1st prize 2nd prize Best improvers 100+ words Word of the week
6 wins
577 spread
6 wins
132 spread
Fiona: 71
Muriel: 61
Alan: FEEZING, 121
Ruth: RETAINERS, 118
Harry: RECITING, 102
Douglas: PROPENE, 100
Cyndy: SQUARER, 100
Fiona: PROA
Sandra: OBOL