Shipley Scrabble Club Shipley Market Square clock tower

Results for 12 October 2017

Standard games

Round 2
Harry 505 381 Evonne
Fiona 459 363 Douglas
Alan 445 372 Sandra
Jane 374 355 Pippa
Eileen C 282 439 Kath A
Muriel 426 283 Caroline
Carol R 286 332 Martin

Threesome games

Round 1
Jane 469 335 Evonne
Jane 409 292 Eileen C
Round 2
Isobel 362 334 Martin B
Isobel 350 359 Hazel

Handicap games

The scores shown are those after subtracting the player's handicap (indicated in brackets). This is the way we use the handicap results in our main club competition. If you want to see the handicap results as used in the handicap tournament please go to the relevant page.

Round 1
Isobel (79) 277 273 Muriel (88)
Martin (52) 316 365 Douglas (37)
Fiona (35) 368 392 Harry (26)
Martin B (50) 286 321 Carol R (148)
Pippa (82) 398 271 Caroline (140)
Pippa (82) 398 271 Caroline (140)
Kath A (41) 290 428 Alan (0)
Hazel (68) 276 428 Sandra (41)